Life of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) From Birth to Age 40 Year.

Birth and Early Childhood (Birth to 6 years)

570 CE (Year of the Elephant):

  • Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was born in Mecca in the Year of the Elephant, named after the failed invasion of Mecca by the Abyssinian king Abraha, who used elephants in his army. His exact birthdate is widely accepted as 12th Rabi’ al-Awwal, though other dates are also mentioned.


  • He was born to Amina bint Wahb and Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib, who passed away before Muhammad’s birth. His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and his mother took care of him.


  • According to tradition, he was sent to live with a Bedouin family in the desert as was the custom of the time, to be nursed by Halima Sadia. This was believed to promote health and moral integrity.

Age 6:

  • At six years old, His (sa.w) mother Amina passed away. After her death, his grandfather Abdul Muttalib took care of him.

Childhood and Adolescence (6-25 years)

Age 8:

  • At eight years old, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) lost his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. His uncle Abu Talib then became his guardian and took care of Him (s.a.w) with great affection.


  • He was known for his honesty and trustworthiness, earning the titles “Al-Sadiq” (the Truthful) and “Al-Amin” (the Trustworthy). He worked as a shepherd and later became involved in the trading business.

Age 12:

  • At twelve, He(s.a.w) accompanied his uncle Abu Talib on a trade journey to Syria. During this trip, they met a Christian monk named Bahira, who is said to have recognized signs of prophethood in young Muhammad.


  • In His(s.a.w) early twenties, he gained a reputation as an honest and successful merchant. He was employed by Khadijah, a wealthy widow, to manage her trade caravans.

Marriage and Family Life (25-40 years)

Age 25:

  • Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) married Khadijah. Despite their age difference (Khadijah was about 40 years old), their marriage was a happy and supportive partnership. They had several children, including daughters Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah, and sons Qasim and Abdullah (who died in infancy).

Age 35:

  • During the reconstruction of the Kaaba in Mecca, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) played a crucial role in resolving a dispute among the Quraysh tribes regarding the placement of the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad). His wisdom in spreading a cloak and having all tribal leaders lift the stone together, then placing it himself, averted conflict and earned him further respect.

Spiritual Contemplation:

  • He spent increasing time in spiritual contemplation and meditation, often retreating to the Cave of Hira in the mountains surrounding Mecca. He sought solitude and reflection, disturbed by the social injustices, idolatry, and moral decline in Meccan society.

Age 40:

  • At the age of 40, during one of his retreats in the Cave of Hira, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) received his first revelation from Allah through the Angel Jibril (Gabriel). This event marked the beginning of his prophethood and the revelation of the Quran. The first verses revealed were from Surah Al-Alaq (96:1-5).

This period from birth to 40 years encompasses significant personal and spiritual development for Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), setting the stage for his future mission as the final prophet of Islam.


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