Battle of Badr.

Abu Sufyan was traveling from Syria with a caravan carrying fifty thousand gold coins and various goods, heading towards Makkah. In Madinah, the Muslims were prepared to intercept and seize this caravan. Abu Sufyan, realizing the potential threat, thought to himself… Wait a minute, the Muslims were planning to loot the caravan? How could they…

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How Islam Began

Islam began in the early 7th century in Mecca, a city in present-day Saudi Arabia. The founder of Islam is Prophet Muhammad, who was born in Mecca around 570 CE. Muhammad began receiving revelations from Allah through the angel Gabriel when he was 40 years old. He spent the next 23 years preaching the message…

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Arab Before Islam

Islam before the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Mecca can be traced back to the period known as the Jahiliyyah, which is Arabic for “the time of ignorance”. The Jahiliyyah period refers to the pre-Islamic era in Arabian history, which lasted for several centuries until the arrival of Prophet Muhammad. During this period, the…

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